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發表於 2010-11-27 16:27:37 | 顯示全部樓層
  so hot ar !!!
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發表於 2010-11-29 06:48:41 | 顯示全部樓層
各位師兄, 我新手, 開始出黎返工搵錢一排, 想幾年後結婚之前玩多 d.... 有問題想解答...其實上個 post 都出過一次...但係搵唔番係邊頁

Anyways, 長話短說,緊有一個 week off 去讀考果 d 金融專業試.. 會長註 "呢個 Area" 苦讀, 但係好大壓力想減下壓, 想問下附近有冇好介紹...

第二個問題, 有時好想試下 lunch break 出去玩, office near eaton center... 其實有冇可能? 附近有冇 d 好o野!?

請指教!! Thank you first :)
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發表於 2010-11-29 08:57:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 salty123 於 2010-11-29 06:48 發表
各位師兄, 我新手, 開始出黎返工搵錢一排, 想幾年後結婚之前玩多 d.... 有問題想解答...其實上個 post 都出過一次...但係搵唔番係邊頁

Anyways, 長話短說,緊有一個 week off 去讀考果 d 金融專業試.. 會 ...

Do you know that Library and Robart Library from U of T are very well known. Well known for "hunting" decent girls.
I used to know Japanese girls at there. That was long time ago.

In your case, if you follow Chryo C-hing's posting. You can see that places he had his "meals" are very close to where you work.
Around College street.

Have fun!

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發表於 2010-11-29 10:22:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks man seems like the contact info for that girl in that post not working anymore !?

And I can't use that 'search' user function since I m still new
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發表於 2010-11-29 12:31:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 salty123 於 2010-11-29 10:22 發表
Thanks man seems like the contact info for that girl in that post not working anymore !?

And I can't use that 'search' user function since I m still new

Don't worry about the link, look for the C-hing Chyro. He always post his post via 寰宇世界.

Just look into his post and get some info.

To: 13 C-hing,

Of course I am not 大師兄. 太枱舉我啦
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發表於 2010-11-30 05:59:37 | 顯示全部樓層
How about that place at  
一漆漆, 書院街
XX漆 - 發發靈 - 狗生生生

They had 5 mm on site including kim chi and white.
Keep it in mind, if you do not like their look, just leave and tell the keeper you come back next time.
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發表於 2010-12-5 08:20:30 | 顯示全部樓層
the emily in honeybaby's place is great, she's got this erotic massage skills and fs is excellent, all kinds of positions you can imagine, ice and fire, she's cup C, perfect stature, face 7/10 that's the only down side.

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-12-9 11:31:27 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #107 hahaaha 的帖子

No bad, add oil
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發表於 2010-12-10 03:01:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 hahaaha 於 2010-12-5 08:20 發表
the emily in honeybaby's place is great, she's got this erotic massage skills and fs is excellent, all kinds of positions you can imagine, ice and fire, she's cup C, perfect stature, face 7/10 that's  ...

Very good feedback, definitely worth while for folk like me who is into service type. She made an effort to overclock to 45mins especially when keeper was not around. Very aggressive and aim to please with service. I think cup is fake but big, face is not big seller if that's must have.

Definitely will repeat. But I am interested in any bro's comment if you have tried Diana. She was marked by another guy when I arrived and she look interesting too. Keeper would not compare service for me, so we have to find out on our own.
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發表於 2010-12-10 14:10:36 | 顯示全部樓層
師兄大家好! I figured, i should at least write a report on my first time...   其實都 research 左唔少 ... esp here and txxb 鬼佬 site...

咁緊係試下 d 安全同冇咁尷尬係酒店 or 私人 1 on 1 啦.....真係錢都準備好~~ 因為未試過西人...而網上 1 on 1 既資訊都係 txxb 多 d, so 我隨便問左一句, 佢地話我讀書個頭有個叫 Bianca Sanchez 既唔錯.. ok, 咁話晒有 d 淆底, 諗住晨早去讀書 11、12點應該 free 掛, 我一早 SMS, 點知好可惜好似呢 d 即日 appointment 唔太 welcome, ended up 5 點先 free, 我都上番 uptown 啦...

so i ended up wait till last wednesday...又落雪唯有去 redxxxe 同 txxb 搵搵搵... 今次試下 Richmond Hill 果頭, 本來諗住試下呢個皆因鬼佬 site 果面話佢算 fresh...可惜, 朝早係咪靜 d 定係點?? 冇人聽既.. 又係 10 11 點 d 時間打去, and i believe that contact person is Ron or sth only got back to me around 1ish...anyways, 決定左去做既就唔想放棄結果上 redzxxe 搵到....係時代廣場附近...去就去!!

發覺 logistically 又幾 user friendly, 打去 book, 去到門口, call again, get 房 #... 開波...不過 d 相都 photoshop 得幾勁...身型差不多唔肥同唔算樣衰又唔可以話靚, brunette 一個, 真波但係一定冇 C ...又有 d 煙味 but used perfume to cover up...重有佢同我講佢 25 yrs old.. ok... 算啦洗濕個頭...

一開始真係有 d 怯場..唯有老實同佢講我新手啦 quick shower 就黎料 (其實好 awkward, 唔知點好) anyways, she lead the way.. kissed 全身 but 有 d hea...之後 bbbj 唔識分係咪高手但係有幾下深 throat..confession..我認我女友s 好少肯用口 ok. so i was really looking for this part ONLY and felt like a porn star  LOL  (之後 research 番環保原來係咁危臉 gei... ) o well, can't complain since this is sth i wanna try..之後都係男上 then 女上 finish!!  wild ride in the end ..

Face: 6/10 (i do expect she looks better..)
Body: 7.5/10 (唔肥同瘦過相小小..i guess, it's one of the body type i never tried before?)
Service: 7/10
attiaude: Friendly 8/10 (maybe she laughed at me after I left, but she kept her cool and good attitude, gd chat in the end as well)
age: 25
dmg: $140 , 30mins

個人 feeling : only 30 miins, 好難好快有 mood..真係好似去解決左咁...又有 d 睇鬼佬 AV feel, 新鮮得黎又冇乜火花... but it was a pleasant experience..之後我問左唔少白痴問題.. .. she sounds honest when she told me she is 25 and worked in the financial industry before...i also asked her about the downtown locations..but she told me that most of them are near 湖邊, soo tough as i worked near Eatons...I guess, i can't spent much time hobbying but i will definitely try some more before really settling down.. and actually quite costly ..

in the end, 有幾個問題想問.... 被劣評的 yorkxxx, 其實係點? 我見有 d dt.. link 去咩 esxxxt168.com 果 d 女睇相都 ok.. i was gonna call but I recall the negative comments regarding that forum so i held off...

有冇 d  good Asian 1 on 1 recommandations or places more pivate near the Scar town area?? Please PM   劉最好有時係 Sun or Fri still open around 6 - 10pm 咁啦??

都係果句, 咁多位師兄~~多多指教

[ 本帖最後由 salty123 於 2010-12-10 14:13 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-12-10 20:44:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 salty123 於 2010-12-10 14:10 發表
師兄大家好! I figured, i should at least write a report on my first time...   其實都 research 左唔少 ... esp here and txxb 鬼佬 site...

咁緊係試下 d 安全同冇咁尷尬係酒店 or 私人 1 on 1 啦.... ...

Welcome Salty ~

If you still works DT near the Eaton Centre, you can try this place out.

They have asians and service providers from other countries of origin plus most of them provide good services.

BTW, what is the name of the SP you tried near Times Sq?

Good luck with your CSA exam,


[ 本帖最後由 chryo 於 2010-12-10 20:51 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-12-11 10:16:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank you Chryo c hing for the recommendation.. will definitely give it a try!  the SP that i use is   Entourage
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發表於 2010-12-13 06:45:53 | 顯示全部樓層

Candy @ 月等ing

個幾月冇玩過, 知道呢件Candy好新鮮, 只係做咗兩日, 決定去試吓...樣麻麻, service好生硬(有DFK, BBBJ...YMMV). 不過出奇地好傾(佢係夏門人, 不過識廣東話, 傾計連搞野都用咗45分鐘), 自稱19, 不過我覺得佢最少22. 有babyfat, 波路唔錯, 皮膚比較黑, 唔滑. 有少少煙味. damage140, 覆焯率50%
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發表於 2010-12-22 20:54:28 | 顯示全部樓層
anyone tried kitty at MW ??  pictures look good.
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發表於 2010-12-28 08:27:22 | 顯示全部樓層
呢排咁撚靜嘅? 有冇報告可以出吓?
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發表於 2010-12-29 07:30:38 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 MSZ 於 2011-1-3 02:13 編輯
X_O 發表於 2010-11-24 05:20
好耐無出Post, 並不是無出來玩, 只是無有令俄心动想Post的女孩.

同時, 發現自己個人口味同壇中一些元老或 ...

今日試過呢件架妹, 同樣地我都唔係第一次食壽司, 所以冇多加印象分...今次用番舊format出報告:

茶樓: PC(唔知嘅就自己去YS搵名)
茶名: Aya
產地: Japan
年齢: 個人估計20
茶杯: B(不過係假嘅居多)
茶錢: 好似係130, 不過我冇散紙, 俾咗140
茶樣: 6.5/10
茶孔: 9/10
服務: 7/10, good BBBJ though
回沖率: 0%

此女都係YS紅人, 所以真人都係冇佢哋吹得咁好. 不過真人確係後生, 要食架妹嘅可以試試...
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發表於 2011-1-2 16:25:47 | 顯示全部樓層
A new Toronto Chinese Escort Reviews Forum  replaced YS,


It's great site , everyone should take a look for sure :
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發表於 2011-1-8 04:56:32 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for sharing!!!!!
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發表於 2011-1-18 11:31:49 | 顯示全部樓層
I am visiting Toronto from HK for business trip this week and would like to see if there is any 141 or 樓上骨 in Toronto.  I am interested in Korean and Japanese girl mainly.  Any Ching have some good suggestions?  PM or reply here is ok.  Thanks.
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發表於 2011-1-19 14:46:29 | 顯示全部樓層
買份星島, 期期都會有廣告
多數係Northyork, 士加保個邊
dt我知有幾間,spidina x dundas, 我知既有3間   (龍城轉入去個條街
dundas x 馬交 都有間 , 樓上有位C兄問近eaton既,E間都幾近....

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