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[菲律賓] 時隔两年後天使城的體會

發表於 2020-1-30 20:58:34 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
場所種類: 酒吧
名稱: angles city
消費: $700~$999


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在天使城住左四日, 食足白果三日. 两年冇来, 有D埸執左, 有D轉左老細, 以前有D埸光是跳舞已好好睇, 宜家D埸果D女只系行行企企, 好悶埸.

小弟自知要求有D高, 所以才出现呢個局面. 其實一件女3500-4000, 陪你过夜仲想点?

小小心得, ac靓女唔算多, 偶爾會見到D極品. 另外不得不承認韓仔有優勝, 特别後生果D.

我去flamingo吧, 呢個埸女算系多女既一間,晚上七点半我就系度睇女, 有两件好身材,一件樣靓。當我系度盤算揀邊個期間, 有两個後生韓仔入黎,個靓女立刻主動坐埋去, 睇到咁, 冇隐就咁走左。 其實隔離果间冇開既cyber酒, 两年前呢间先系我主埸,而且靓女特别多。

之後又在walking street逛了圈, 整体女既数量冇以前多, 逛吧期間, 總有D人拖住D可食用既女, 只能怪自己冇咩女運. 心諗唔想细老屈就食“猪扒餐”, 於是努力睇多幾间。 最後系一間步行街角落既酒吧執到一件, 對方開價三千五過夜, 條女樣順眼, 身材ok,全程配合又主動, 本来話七点走, 結果早上十點先走.

小總结, 賓妹其實樣不及泰国, 但如果同佢地稍為熟烙, 佢地好熱情, 就算床技一般也非常好有朋友feel. 除非唔喜歡説話玩自閉另計.[map]22.304622,114.174299[/map]
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發表於 2020-1-31 03:17:13 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2020-1-31 07:32:46 | 顯示全部樓層
我朋友話在曰頭在field ave洒吧有些好,不過要早點去因為韓仔在11點前入去揀女之後晚上帶著女出去。
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-31 08:00:09 | 顯示全部樓層

自己想夜晚玩女,系可以過夜, 日頭果D女可以第二日先去嗎?
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發表於 2020-1-31 09:20:35 | 顯示全部樓層
我去过AC好多次, 3月同fd.又去. 好多宾妹做过世界小姐, 混血个的好索.  点解无泰妹甘靓, 因为无泰国甘多整容院, 收费又贵. 宾妹好处是夠放,  语言可以溝通.
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-31 12:13:03 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 pingnap 於 2020-1-31 23:47 編輯
mr.cash 發表於 2020-1-31 09:20
我去过AC好多次, 3月同fd.又去. 好多宾妹做过世界小姐, 混血个的好索.  点解无泰妹甘靓, 因为无泰国甘多整容院, 收费又贵. 宾妹好处是夠放,  语言可以溝通.

系有靓,不过唔系AC既步行街, 路上有見到良家果D.

師兄, 靓果D要系咩埸, 行左幾日都食左白果三日
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發表於 2020-2-1 02:27:31 | 顯示全部樓層
" 賓妹其實樣不及泰国 "  Agree

" 系有靓,不过唔系AC既步行街 "   High priced korean KTV has syt.

"  但如果同佢地稍為熟烙, 佢地好熱情 "   the same with most working girls.  

"  语言可以溝通. "  That is why AC day bars charge more than Pattaya Soi 6, but the girls are not as pretty.  
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-1 22:32:27 | 顯示全部樓層
Johnnyngai 發表於 2020-2-1 02:27
" 賓妹其實樣不及泰国 "  Agree

" 系有靓,不过唔系AC既步行街 "   High priced korean KTV has syt.

師兄, high class korean ktv 消费如何?有冇好介绍?
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發表於 2020-2-2 04:14:56 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 pingnap ##8 的帖子

" 師兄, high class korean ktv 消费如何?有冇好介绍? "  

退休老人  專搵平閪   哈哈哈哈.....................

I was in AC for 18 days on May 2017,  there was some tiny ktv and dirty bars around Hotel and Restaurant Swiss Chalet.  Small short time rooms for 300php, girls 1000 - 1300php for st.
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-2 18:45:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Johnnyngai 發表於 2020-2-2 04:14
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" 師兄, high class korean ktv 消费如何?有冇好介绍? "  

其实短钟房不一平化算,早D订房都系1500peso之内, 不过仲要打摩你100peso. 题外话, 菲律宾水果好贵, 我習惯日日食水果, D香蕉仲贵过香港
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發表於 2020-2-3 02:43:29 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2020-2-4 00:08:18 | 顯示全部樓層
It's been several years since I last visited AC
Ching's report update shows that the city is much less attractive than before
Thanks for the sharing
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發表於 2020-2-5 15:00:29 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 manmannew 於 2020-2-5 15:06 編輯

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先前我都諗住今年年頭去天使城行一轉,  亦都做咗好多資料手集, 不過諗下諗下都應該唔會去....

第一, 賓妹根本個樣就唔靚, 只啱鬼佬口味.  響youtube睇啲post, fields avenue/walking street, 啲賓妹其實普遍上都真係幾樣衰 ,有好多後生嘅都生個仔 , 身材走曬樣, 加上我留意到好多賓妹都係腰長腳短, 唔啱比例!!!  啱亞洲人口味嘅比例好少, 有都好容易畀韓國仔搶曬.  講真 , 如果去玩, 搞到又要爭又要搶, 無鬼謂!

第二, 天使城又唔係有其他嘢特別好玩 又冇景點, 酒店加機票仲貴過去越南HCMC.  只係去屌閪, 唔吸引!

第三, 賓妹衛生意識差, 好多唔需要客人帶套, 可中出, 所以好多討論區都有提出 d女大部分下面都有海鮮味, 對於我呢啲鍾意玩69食鮑魚嘅人. 諗起都冇胃口..

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-5 16:48:15 | 顯示全部樓層
manmannew 發表於 2020-2-5 15:00
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先前我都諗住今年年頭去天使城行一轉,  亦都做咗好多資料手集, 不過諗下諗下都應 ...

整體泰國好D系真, 天使城重点只系包夜平.價錢仲平過涂山. 如果純粹要個女友feel勉强可以, 但如果要有樣有身材, 真心唔多, 靓果D大部份良家婦女. 真系後生又好小小要搶, 仲要佢冧你先有機會過夜.

要睇有冇女運  我地香港人假期不多, 如果得果四五日, 尋觅D好少少既女, 揾得来都差不要收工回香港.
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發表於 2020-2-5 21:11:26 | 顯示全部樓層
pingnap 發表於 2020-2-5 16:48
整體泰國好D系真, 天使城重点只系包夜平.價錢仲平過涂山. 如果純粹要個女友feel勉强可以, 但如果要有樣有 ...

AC好多BAR都係韓國人開,  佢哋同聲同氣,  有好嘢都留喺益自己人, 幾時到我哋?
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發表於 2020-2-6 13:28:57 | 顯示全部樓層
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" 第三, 賓妹衛生意識差, 好多唔需要客人帶套 "

I got std from a cheap syt in Angel City 2 years ago, I did use a condom.
It was on the second floor of a dirty bar for 1000php complete.
The shower consisted of a bucket and a scoop, I couldn't use their towel because it looked like a floor rag.
There was nothing but an electric fan in the windowless room. I was her first customer of the day and she gave me her natural lubricant.
With my liter of sweat, KY gel, semen and her natural lubricant, the end result was a slimy mess and a case of cross contamination.
Cross contamination from the blisters on her inner thigh, the blisters were about 3 inches from her pussy.
I did avoid touching her blisters, but I still got a blister on my pee hole 5 days after the fuck.  
The doctor bill included medicine was 1280php.
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發表於 2020-2-6 15:06:16 | 顯示全部樓層
Johnnyngai 發表於 2020-2-6 13:28
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" 第三, 賓妹衛生意識差, 好多唔需要客人帶套 "

So sorry to hear your story, getting STD!  That was excatly my concern!

Wearing a condom only protects your penis, not other parts.  If the Philipino gals are having low hygiene consciousness, the % of bearing STD is high.  Condoms won't 100% help as the diseases spread all over her body.

Just like the case I mentioned in my Viet/Do Son post.  The girls just dont shower after fuck, only water wash their pussy for few seconds.  They dont even rinse their mouths!!  You can imagine how much diseases are inside their mouth and on their body, thighs, breasts, etc..

Back to AC.  As people have pointed out, many of the gals are having stink pussies, which means their pussies are most probably infected.  Even you fuck them with condoms, their pussy fluid will flow onto your "spring bag" and legs.  There is no escape of STD in those cases, even without DFK of DATY.
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發表於 2020-2-8 03:19:15 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-8 13:48:05 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 pingnap 於 2020-2-8 13:49 編輯
manmannew 發表於 2020-2-6 15:06
So sorry to hear your story, getting STD!  That was excatly my concern!

Wearing a condom only pro ...

師兄, 咩叫sd?請解説一下
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發表於 2020-2-8 14:28:10 | 顯示全部樓層
pingnap 發表於 2020-2-8 13:48
師兄, 咩叫sd?請解説一下

我諗你意思係問STD - sexual transmitted diseases
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