樓主: lich13

多倫多escort 報告區

發表於 2008-2-22 03:55:15 | 顯示全部樓層
它net遇brother, 點都頂一頂
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發表於 2008-2-25 08:09:34 | 顯示全部樓層
13兄, I just tried Noelle(lowell?) today and I know you are a huge fan of her.

She will be back to Toronto in March.

You can check out my report at the 老地方.

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2008-2-25 08:53 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-25 08:55:39 | 顯示全部樓層

多謝 MSZ 兄你既賞面 得閒味呢坐下lor~ 大蛇兄都知我係依個web ar

lowelle 仲係唔係度呀?

冇問題~ 老地方見


咁可以俾多友 呢下依度... 2面都呢下~ 分散下人流呀嗎~

4台好多野玩~ 我可以一一介紹俾你~
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-25 09:00:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2008-2-25 08:09 發表
13兄, I just tried Noelle(lowell?) today and I know you are a huge fan of her.

She will be back to Toronto in March.

You can check out my report at the 老地方.

呀~ 仲有, 澳門區既兄弟出既報告都唔錯...

報告區係 141囡囡... 冇ad.. 有ad 我地即殺post~ 所以真實好高

神州更係 非常超色~ 得閒呢多d 啦
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發表於 2008-2-25 09:55:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Wow, so many good gals in 多倫多? Those are in-call right?
So if I travel to 多倫多? hunt together lich13 hing? ^^

Tks alot for the well written report, look forward for the further update ^^
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發表於 2008-2-25 10:09:21 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Ahjohn101 於 2008-2-25 09:55 發表
Wow, so many good gals in 多倫多? Those are in-call right?
So if I travel to 多倫多? hunt together lich13 hing? ^^

Tks alot for the well written report, look forward for the further update ^^ ...

both in-call and out-call..

yet it is safer for me to go their compnay rather than them visiting my house...

no problem

let me know when u go to toronto
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發表於 2008-2-25 13:16:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Really, that would be great!!

Yeah, I perfer in-call only too, because 1) save money , 2) not safe to do it at home...

I just got back from HK. So I kinda of used up most of my (secret)141's funding .
But for sure, Toronto is one of my 141 list now

One thing I noticed when I was in HK, that is the quality of 141 is going down(maybe I am short of time to try them all but, still). Even those Hotel girls doesnt guarantee good service. But I am surprised that Ma-Nam(馬檻) girls is not bad, for HK350/30mins, thats well worth money spending for both looks and service

And after reading serveral brothers posts, there are good spots all over the world, the thing is how can you find them, and thats why its important to get the correct information, or even better, a guide or keyman that can lead you to it.

Within a week, I just find out that I really want to vist Singapore, Toronto
But need to get back to work first, in the mean time, more update and report please
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發表於 2008-2-25 22:23:06 | 顯示全部樓層
could i have the contact or web link? please
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angelababy 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2008-2-26 14:01:30 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-2-27 17:31:03 | 顯示全部樓層
Thx ....
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-28 10:45:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Ahjohn101 於 2008-2-25 13:16 發表
Really, that would be great!!

Yeah, I perfer in-call only too, because 1) save money , 2) not safe to do it at home...

I just got back from HK. So I kinda of used up most of my (secre ...


Indeed the way of their business is similar to 馬檻--- but in a much more fancy and customer-friendly way.... (of cuz according charge u more)

gals will choice whether BBBJ when u check your buddy...

30 mins (chicken-clock)...

but the environment is very clean.. quite a lot of gals are non-smokers... can a chance to have a DFK...

dat's  a treasure...
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-2-28 11:02:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Winnerforever13 於 2008-2-21 10:28 發表
Any web links to the girls classify ads.?

singtao... "美女kitchen"

dat's the farrest i can say  since the police is busting business very often

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2008-2-28 11:04 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-3-2 08:08:14 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2008-2-28 11:02 發表

singtao... "美女kitchen"

dat's the farrest i can say  since the police is busting business very often

New Korean has big boobs,good service!
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-3-2 14:06:49 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #37 joejoe31 的帖子

tried it thx ^^

tried the jap as well ^^

plz don't pm me.... so busy with pesonal life....I'm only human....
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882906 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2008-3-10 15:03:16 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-3-13 02:54:21 | 顯示全部樓層

7. 韓日大戰---- 韓日mix sarah

7.韓日mix sarah

茶名:  韓日mix sarah
茶資: Cn 120半個鍾
年份: 20 (佢話87年出世....  就呢21)
茶樣: 6.5/10 中規中舉,不過不失 ...靚唔靚就見人智lor.... 不過有少少MEAT...鍾意SLIM 既C兄可能味必鍾意...anyway 各花入各眼啦!
茶杯: 唔知... 佢自己都唔知...好搞笑...
服務: 8.5/10 佢有禮貌...英文又好...我都同佢用左我有限既韓日2語 同佢交流.. 不過佢英文都幾好,,,所以我都係用英文好D..幾有sense of humour..笑鬼死我
簡評: 鬼妹仔(CBK)性格,英文唔錯. 講左少少野我知..... 仲係小妹妹...好好傾,好好玩
重點: 個西d水多到 成個水庫 哂.... 正到....
回沖率: 30%

原本林住MARK 個日本妹 同港女...
不過可能AH TOM 同我唔係好熟..件日本妹又俾人mark 左.
而件港女佢話唔合格....AH TOM 主動唔要佢....
我又成差唔多一個月冇搞野(之前忙到PK)...唔想等..去到見件韓妹都OK 就去馬

岩下計..問我食唔食煙...我話QUIT左..佢好有心..沖涼前Brush teeth..


吹果陣....果然係新人...不過亦唔係話差....仲不時問我 "do u get get hurt?"

到我玩西啦..正...可以finger play (i just cut my finger nails b4 i went there.. )...She let me to do after she checked my finger,,

不過佢真係新做...唔係好識玩69...吹個陣..佢仲太投入...秋根tim... :$
因為唔識69..咁foreplay 就花多左少少時間lor

可能我太耐冇做啦~ 而且佢水頭又充足..今次失禮死人啦:$ ...半小時搞店哂....:$
不過怏樂既時光 亦唔係 以時間既長短呢衡量既,,,,,:$

後話: 出呢見到另一件日本妹,唔錯,如果唔係俾幾位c兄mark 左...我都會pick佢
noral 已經番左呢....正....:$ :$
不過我見到唔少c兄排排座..等件 ga 妹.....其實都幾得意

下期心水: loral 同純種 日本妹:$

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2008-3-13 03:00 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-3-17 07:32:52 | 顯示全部樓層
c Hing....

I am from toronto.. since richmond hill Massaage all closed out, no place to play loo...  where can you find all those girl..   pm me the address or add me as friend.. OKIE>>>
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發表於 2008-3-17 07:48:24 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #41 hk1234city 的帖子

check my reports as well

ok ..mind if i ask for your e-mail through pms?
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發表於 2008-3-17 07:48:48 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #41 hk1234city 的帖子

btw.. 加分啦
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發表於 2008-3-20 10:12:33 | 顯示全部樓層

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