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本帖最後由 siaoneu 於 2012-12-9 23:26 編輯

美國紐約的居民樓排名 “十大建築” 第一位。  

2012年度世界十大建築於12月4日公佈,紐約的一棟居民樓憑藉令人嘆為觀止的設計高居榜首,奪得安波利斯摩天大樓獎。  這棟位於美國曼哈頓區的8雲杉街的摩天大樓由弗蘭克-蓋里設計,共有76層,高265米,是全世界第12大的摩天大樓。  超過1萬塊不銹鋼板覆蓋大樓的表面。更讓人叫絕的是,所有的鋼板的形狀都各不相同,因此,大樓的外形會隨著觀察者的角度的不同而變化。評審員稱,儘管曼哈頓出色的建築比比皆是,這棟摩天大樓依然鶴立雞群。  





 樓主| 發表於 2012-12-9 23:53:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 siaoneu 於 2012-12-9 23:52 編輯








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發表於 2012-12-9 23:55:37 | 顯示全部樓層

Nowadays, the scoring shall include much about sustainability of the building, such as energy recycling for the building to use by itself!
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發表於 2012-12-10 00:00:52 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-12-10 00:10:51 | 顯示全部樓層
high buildings in cities
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發表於 2012-12-10 00:31:37 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-12-10 00:49:06 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 siaoneu #1 的帖子

I think lots of great building design and not easy to win the champion
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發表於 2012-12-10 00:55:00 | 顯示全部樓層
NO.1 係好特別, 但全不锈鋼會唔會影响到人
反而NO.2 特別得離好有周全考慮, , 可能因為唔係美國
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發表於 2012-12-10 05:25:43 | 顯示全部樓層
The World's Top 10 Tallest Buildings Ever 2012
以上影片乃youtube提供,與本站無關; 若無法觀看,可查看原網址

10. Two International Finance Centre
Two International Finance Centre is one of the most prestigious designed buildings in Hong Kong. The height of Two International Finance Centre is 415 meters (1,362 feet) having 88 floors. It was built in 2003. Two International Finance Centre can accommodate more than 15,000 people.
9. Jin Mao Tower
Jin Mao Tower is the 9th tallest building of the world. Basically 88 storied concrete, steel and glass giant pagoda dominates Shanghai which is a rapidly growing financial district.
Jin Mao Tower is 421 meters (1,380 feet) high and was built in 1999. In day light the heart capturing grey color enhances the beauty of Jin Mao Tower.
8. Guangzhou International Finance Center
Guangzhou International Finance Center holds the 8th position in our list of top 10 tallest buildings of the world. It's a huge skyscraper 438 meters (1,435 feet) high having 103
floors and was built in 2010 in Guangzhou which is one of the most developing city of China.
7. Willis Tower
Willis Tower is currently the 7th tallest building of the world. In our list Willis Tower is the only one which is the most oldest among these all skyscrapers. It was constructed in
1974 in Chicago which is one of the most beautiful cities of United States. Having the recorded height of 442 meters (1,451 feet) along with 108 floors and 104 elevators
6. Nanjing Greenland Financial Center
Nanjing Greenland Financial Center is located in Nanjing which is one of the most rising cities of China in terms of financial growth. Currently Nanjing Greenland Financial Center is the 6th tallest building of the world which was built in 2010. This outstandingly designed skyscraper is having a measured height of 450 meters (1,476 feet) along with 66 floors
5. Petronas Towers
Petronas Towers are basically two Towers of the same height connected in the middle of the building and that y we consider both of them as being a single building to explain
better. Currently Petronas Towers are considered as the 5th tallest buildings of the world which were built in 1998 in Kuala Lampur a very beautiful city of Malaysia. With a
recorded height of 452 meters (1,483 feet) both having 88 floors
4. International Commerce Centre
International Commerce Centre is one of the most legendary mega structure produced ever. Currently International Commerce Centre holds the 4th position of being the tallest
building of the world and the highest building of Hong Kong. With a measured height of 484 meters (1,588 feet) and 118 floors this tall building was built in 2010.
3. Shanghai World Financial Center
Shanghai World Financial Center is currently the 3rd tallest building of the world which was constructed in 2008 in Shanghai. It's like one of the best architectural wonders of China and more over it is also the tallest building of China. Shanghai World Financial Center is used for a combination of purposes like hotels, offices, conference halls and shopping malls which are mostly on the ground floor. This magnificent Building has 101 floors with 91 elevators and the measured height is 492 meters (1,614 feet).
2. Taipei 101
Taipei 101 is the 2nd tallest skyscraper of the world currently. It is one of the most uniquely designed and constructed mega structures which reflects the ancient values and technology of Taiwan. It also reflects a little bit Chinese cultural building look as well. Taipei 101 was built in 2004 in Taipei which is one of the most beautiful city of Taiwan. Taipei 101 has 101 floors along with 61 elevators and the recorded height is 509 meters (1,671 feet).
1. Burj Khalifa (Burj Dubai)
Burj Dubai currently is the tallest building of the world. Buj Dubai was built in 2010 having a record measured height of 828 meters (2,716 feet) along with 162 floors. Burj Dubai is the tallest record breaking mega structure on the planet till now. Along with being the tallest building in the world Burj Dubai has several different titles as well like a building with maximum floors, tallest residential building ever, having a highest mosque on 158th floor, highest restaurant on 122nd floor, highest night club on 144th floor.

World's Top 10 Tallest Buildings In 2020
以上影片乃youtube提供,與本站無關; 若無法觀看,可查看原網址

10. PVN 102 tower
Location Tu Liem, Hanoi,
Status Approved
Groundbreaking 2011
Estimated completion 2014
Use Office and Apartments
Roof 528 metres (1,732 ft)
Top floor 528 metres (1,732 ft)
Technical details
Floor count 102
Elevators Cooming Soon
Cost US$1.2 billion
Companies involved
Developer PetroVietnam Construction Joint Stock Corporation
Owner PetroVietnam . PVN 102 Tower will be the tallest building in Southeast Asia.

9. One World Trade Center - New York City, United States
Height (meter/foot): 541/1776
Year of completion: 2013
Architecht: David Childs (Skidmore, Owings and Merril)
Construction status: Under construction
One World Trade Center will be the tallest building in the United States. The construction is part of an effort to memorialize and rebuild after the original World Trade Center complex was destroyed during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

8. Lotte Super Tower - Seoul, South Korea
Height (meter/foot): 555/1821
Year of completion: 2014
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox
Construction Status: Under construction
At 555 m (1,821 ft) in height, the building would become one of the world's tallest buildings if completed on schedule in 2014.

7. Goldin Finance 117 - Tianjin, PR China
Height (meter/foot): 597/1959
Year of completion:2014-15
Architect: P&T Group
Construction Status: Under construction/on hold
Although construction started in 2008, in late January 2010 it was announced that it had been suspended. If construction resumes, the building will not be completed until late 2014 or early 2015.

6. Incheon Tower - Incheon, South Korea
Height (meter/foot): 601/1969
Year of completion: 2015
Architect: John Portman and Associates
Construction Status: Under construction
The Incheon Tower will consist of two buildings with 150 floors each, making them the world's tallest twin towers.

5. Mecca Royal Clock Tower - Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Height (meter/foot): 601/1972
Year of completion: 2011
Architect: Dar Al-Handasah Architects
Construction Status: Under construction
It will surpass the Emirates Park Tower in Dubai as the world's tallest hotel. It is also the second tallest building under construction.

4. Shanghai Tower - Shanghai, PR China
Height (meter/foot): 632/2073
Year of completion: 2014
Architect: Gensler/Tongji University
Construction Status: Under construction
Only four years after the Shanghai World Financial Center opened its doors to become the the third tallest building in the world, the city is once again breaking its own records with the Shanghai Tower, which upon completion will be the second tallest in the world

3. Burj Khalifa - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Height (meter/foot): 828/2717
Year of completion: 2010
Architect: Adrian Smith (Skidmore, Owens and Merill)
Construction Status: Completed
The Burj Khalifa opened one January 4th of this year, and is currently the tallest man made structure ever built, which includes TV-towers

2. Burj Mubarak Al Kabir - Kuwait City, Kuwait
Height (meter/foot): 1001/3284
Year of completion: 2016
Architect: Eric Kuhne and Associates
Construction Status: Under construction
The building will include seven vertically-stacked 30-story 'neighborhoods", including apartments, offices, and hotels. Reaching the one kilometer milestone has long been an elusive dream, but now seems it will finally be realised.

1. Kingdom Tower - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Height (meter/foot): 1000+/3280+
Year of completion: 2020
Architect: Smith and Gill
Construction Status: Confirmed

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發表於 2012-12-10 15:52:00 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-12-10 17:12:30 | 顯示全部樓層
巴拿馬城的F&F塔  看起來真是有型
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發表於 2012-12-10 18:53:13 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-12-12 23:26:46 | 顯示全部樓層
i like 8 Spruce Street. It is the first residential high rise by Frank Gehry. Following is some info about this project.
8雲杉街(8 Spruce Street),原先被稱為比克曼大廈,目前銷售專案名 稱為紐約蓋里(New York by Gehry),是一個76層的摩天大樓由建築師 弗蘭克·蓋里設計,位在紐約市行政區曼哈頓8雲杉街南面的市政廳廣場和布魯克林大橋旁.

8雲杉街是西半球最高的住宅建築,有點類似於Aqua這棟芝加哥摩天樓的 高度和形式。該建築是由森林城市拉特納公司所有,設計由弗蘭克蓋里負 責,結構工程師Kreisler Borg Florman。它內部包含一個公立小學。建築 完成於2011年2月。它的結構框架是由鋼筋混凝土製成。

公立小學從一到五層。這 將提供超過600名學生就讀於幼稚園到八年級的教室。第四層屋頂陽台有5000平方英尺(460米2)戶外的體育空間。
小學之上是903個單位的豪華住宅大廈,披有不銹鋼外牆。公寓從500到 1600平方英尺(150米2),並包括工作室型或一,二和三房單位。所有 單位的價格按市場利率出租,沒有低或中等收入的公寓都是高價豪華公寓。也不包含任何單位出售,只租不賣。
大樓還包括一所紐約市中心醫院。該醫院將佔用25000平方英尺(2300 米2),並有公共地下停車場。醫院分佈於東西兩大樓,主院區有連貫的 11000平方英尺(千米2)外加其他稍小空間。

8雲杉街塔建築之初已有好評。在紐約時報,建築評論家尼古拉 Ouroussoff稱讚該建築的設計改善了紐約最受歡迎的天際線,稱它 是:“在紐約自Eero Saarinen的CBS大樓46年前蓋成後唯一最好的摩天大 樓。紐約客雜誌的保羅戈德伯格將其形容為“市中心最美麗大樓”。比較8 雲杉街附近完成於1913年的伍爾沃斯大樓,戈德伯格說:“這是從那時起 唯一一棟真正值得站在它旁邊的市中心大樓。”
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發表於 2012-12-12 23:36:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 man140 於 2012-12-12 23:37 編輯
Juven 發表於 2012-12-10 00:31

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發表於 2012-12-15 11:42:07 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-12-19 23:17:29 | 顯示全部樓層
the buildings are great~~~ thansk for sharing
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發表於 2013-9-6 16:59:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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